The five time travelling scientists known collectively as The Helmholtz Resonators are an odd bunch. They can each play the bass, guitar, drums and keyboards, conduct science, travel through time, but are prone to personality flaws. Let me explain:
Taking the title of Head Chorister, Garland Vanderbilt assumes command of top-line vocals most of the time with some notable exceptions. This maybe is because he likes to be his own biggest critic, only to then give himself glowing reviews. Garland is a stickler for tidiness, in fact, his motto is "PUT THAT BACK WHERE IT BELONGS!".
No one has ever quite been able to pin down exactly what Carlton Breezy does. Obsesses over finding a link between science and mysticism but only ever seems to be proving a link between alcohol and bad decisions. Plays guitar, synthesizers and supplies baritone vocals. Prefers to do anything but actual tangible work, proclaims he was born with a rare disease called 'Cannotbearseditus'.
Chladni Plates is in charge of sub 400hz vibrations and is a celebrated player of the Low Frequency Guitar. His motto is “Nimble of finger - nimble of mind!”. Plus, he can't keep his mind off the ladies and see's himself as some sort of lothario, of which his motto is also “Nimble of finger - nimble of mind!”.
If Frithel StockStone could change every choice to include the suffix 'or science?' he would always choose the latter. This man is obsessed with science, he lives, breathes, digests and inserts science. He caresses, high fives and smooches science, he.... ok you get the picture. Also plays Drums, loves the Bee Gees and spoken word poetry..... in a sciencey kind of way.
Auto is short for Automaton, and is the groups robotic aid and protector. Over time he has developed a fondness for Carlton, due to the time that Mr Breezy has invested in playing with Auto. From darts, to movies, to arcade machines and to the definite chagrin of the other chaps, as this reduces time that Auto could be tidying, computing and general busying himself around the ship in a non-creepy android going to kill all humans way.
You will meet many other characters along the way, but for now I will keep these a surprise. You will find out more about each character throughout the blog updates once you have pledged.
You will meet many other characters along the way, but for now I will keep these a surprise. You will find out more about each character throughout the blog updates once you have pledged.